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Tooth Sensitivity: The Facts You Should Know

If you suffer from tooth sensitivity, you’re likely wondering what causes it and how to treat it. Well, you’re not alone. Many people wonder the same thing as they suffer from tooth sensitivity discomfort. One thing that can help you find the answers you’re looking for is by knowing all about the problem. Our dentist, Dr. Damon Thompson, would like... read more »

The Answers to Questions About Mouthwash

Are you someone who has questions about mouthwash? If so, our dentists, Dr. Damon Thompson and associates, are happy to help you find the answers you’re looking for. The more you know about mouthwash, the better. In fact, it can help you find the mouthwash that is right for you and your smile. To help you, they would like to... read more »

Visit Your Dentist About Gum Disease  Risk Factor Prevention

With each passing year, your oral health is more at risk for oral ailments they can gradually wear down your teeth and gums. Your gums especially tend to be extremely vulnerable as you age due to numerous risk factors including periodontal disease, also known as gum disease. In order to protect your gums against any infections that can arise, it... read more »

Severe Tooth Loss Can Be Resolved With a Partial Denture

If you receive significant oral trauma as a result of a car accident or severe sports injury, you may have several damaged or knocked-out teeth in one area of your mouth. In this case, treating the soft tissue wounds is often prioritized over restoring any tooth remnants, which can result in losing the dental roots. If the teeth are in... read more »

The History of Plaque Removal by Toothbrushing

Calcified tartar, evidence of plaque, has been found on Neanderthal tooth fossils from 50,000 years ago. While we don't know if the first cavemen did anything about it at that time, the evolution of the toothbrush starts here. Presupposing that early man eventually determined that it was to his advantage attracting a mate to remove the ugly film from his... read more »

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay: An Overview

If you don’t care for your child’s teeth while they still have them, you could end up spending a lot more time in our office when your child grows into a teenager. Baby teeth, while temporary, are critical to the overall oral health of a child, and they set the stage for good hygiene in adulthood. Here are a few... read more »

Welcome to Our New Blog!

Here at Real Life Dental, we endeavor to use our new blog as a regular means for publishing valuable content for our community through monthly blog posts. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, we’re able to further explore some of the most important topics pertaining to our industry and area of expertise here on our website through these articles.... read more »

If You Have Gum Disease, These May Be the Reasons Why

When it comes to a healthy smile, healthy gums are essential. In fact, dental procedures such as orthodontics, dental implants, bridges, and partials, teeth whitening and dental veneers depend on having healthy gums. However, half of the adults in the U.S. over the age of 30 have gum disease. If you struggle with gum disease, some of the following might... read more »

Help Your Oral Health With These Foods

You’re probably aware of some of the foods that can be bad for your oral health. Have you ever wondered what foods can aid your smile? Our dentist and team are more than happy to give you some pointers on foods to add to your diet to improve your dental health. Cheese If you adore cheese, you’re in luck! Studies... read more »

Saliva and Your Health

Saliva production aids in good oral hygiene and your overall health. So, it’s crucial your salivary glands make this important potion in the proper quantities. If your mouth is not making enough, called dry mouth, you’re in for a host of unhealthy issues that you may not even be aware of. Healthy Mouth and Teeth: In terms of dental health,... read more »